Where do you call home?
My husband and I split our time between our apartment in West London and our home on the edge of the Peak District. Although I love the cosmopolitan, fast-paced life of the capital, I feel most at home in the north.
How did you become a pawnbroker?
I’m actually a third-generation pawnbroker. My grandfather was one and so was my mother. Some of my earliest memories are of gold and antiques. I started helping out in the family store in my teens, so I’ve been in and around pawnbroking all my life.
Describe the best holiday you’ve ever been on…
Gosh, that’s a difficult one. I’ve been on so many adventures. I would say our honeymoon. We trekked and kayaked our way around the Amazon. It was an amazing experience. My husband Joff and I love adventures. We are heading off to Antarctica in January and can’t wait!
What TV series are you currently watching?
We love a TV series. Right now, we are watching something on BBC iPlayer called Industry. We love its fast-paced nature. It can be quite raunchy so don’t start watching it on Sunday if you have the in-laws around!

What are you reading at the moment?
I’m attempting to read all of the books I studied for GCSE and A Level English. I’m hoping to discover a newfound appreciation for them when I’m given the free choice to thumb through them, compared to when they were forced upon me as a reluctant teen. I’m currently reading Lord of the Flies by William Golding and really enjoying it. It’s a dark book but wonderfully written. I’m moving on to Shakespeare next. Wish me luck!
Who does the cooking in your household?
I love to cook, but I use every single pot, pan and utensil in our cupboard, and that’s just for making an omelette! Joff is a wonderful cook, though. Before becoming a TV producer, he trained as a chef, so I’m very lucky. He does the most wonderful Beef Wellington – my favourite dish in the world. It’s all to do with how you sear and rest your meat before encasing it in pastry, apparently.
What was the last item of clothing you bought?
I bought matching plum-coloured trousers and a turtleneck. I’m teaming them with a pair of vintage green Gucci loafers and a vibrant, flowing scarf that incorporates both colours. It sounds OTT, but trust me, it looks fab in real life… I hope so anyway. I do, though, tend to buy the vast majority of my clothes from Reiss. They fit me perfectly and I love the smart-casual look the brand offers.
Which is your favourite season and why?
I love hot weather, so the summer months. There’s just something so wonderful about it not getting dark until 10pm. I’m happiest when the temperature hits 30 degrees. I also love Christmas, though, and as soon as December 1 comes around, I get my large selection of Christmas jumpers out and live in them for exactly 31 days.
Whose Instagram feed gives you the greatest pleasure?
This Morning’s (@thismorning), because even when I’m not on the show, I get to see what my TV family is up to. I’ve been in and around TV all my life. The people that work in front of and behind the camera are some of the hardest working and most dedicated you will ever meet. They all, we all, care about our viewers so much.
What is your most prized possession?
The first messages I received from my husband. I sometimes scroll back and look at how we first talked to each other all those years ago. Our tone hasn’t changed. He really does complete me. The other one is our Dachshund, Albert. He is just the most wonderful, charming and characterful dog you could meet.