Colin Hoult is a celebrated comedian, actor and TV writer, whose many gongs include the Writers’ Guild’s Award for Comedy. He is currently on a nationwide tour with his stand-up show, Colin Hoult: Colin, in which he examines – with his unique comic flair – his upbringing in 1980s Nottingham, family and neurodiversity. Here, he tells us what makes for a life well-lived.

Where do you call home?

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Lovely Brighton. It’s like being back at sixth form: everyone lives near you and everyone’s on a project but no one’s really working.

What is the last thing you bought?

A graphic novel called It’s Lonely at the Centre of the Earth by Zoe Thorogood. It was recommended to me by my pal the comedian Henry Widdicome. We bumped into each other in a comic shop in Bristol yesterday and had a little nerd spasm.

What’s for dinner tonight and who will cook it?

I have promised my wife a lasagne. It’s been some time. I am finally ready to make it but she’s a bit poorly and doesn’t fancy it. So… who knows? Everything’s up in the air right now.

What is your favourite hotel in the world?

I only stayed there once but it is a very cool and neurodiverse-friendly one called Citizen M in Glasgow.

What is on your bedside table?

About twelve books. I’m constantly starting new ones. It’s a nightmare. Also, a box my kids got me with photos of my family all over it and a figure of Wolverine.

You have an unexpected afternoon on your hands: how do you fill it?

Unexpected Afternoon

Swim in the sea, walk on the beach, have a go on the 2p machines, talk to an old friend, do a little dance.

How do you keep fit?

I go to an amazing gym/weightlifting/yoga place. I need to do classes with someone telling me exactly what to do or I get distracted and forget I have the capacity to exercise.

To what or where would you book tickets tomorrow if you could?

The Book of Mormon. I still haven’t seen it. I’ve been wanting to go longer than I’ve been promising to make a lasagne.

Date night in or date night out?

Out if we can – nothing like watching the starlings against the sunset. But probably in – watching Schitt’s Creek.

What is your most prized possession?

I have an old book of poems from when I was a kid called The Magic Tree. It’s beautiful and reading it made me understand for the first time how superb it is to create things.