And yet, whilst most of us would be content – nay proud – of that achievement alone, for Caroline and her husband Ben Floyd, lockdown also seemed like the right moment to launch their own charity. Their rationale? They wanted to continue to inspire the type of kindness that they saw communities across the globe showing each other during the pandemic. They named their organisation Inspire. And now, in time for Christmas, they have branched into merchandise too, launching a wooden Kindness Advent Tree, with all of the money raised going to parenting charities and helping to spread that generosity of spirit. Each day contains a festive picture or print on one side and an act of kindness to carry out that day on the other, all of which feeds back into Inspire’s founding ethos: that such acts are beneficial to both the giver and the receiver.
Here Caroline tells us who she’d most like to be stuck in a life with, why a recent trip to Tuscany was life-affirming, and what her people-pleasing spirit animal would be.
Favourite place in all the world?
Our kitchen table. My family and I have been so lucky to call a few cities and countries home over the years, but no matter where we are living – months or years – our kitchen is where I associate with fun. If it's toasting bagels just picked up on our bikes in New York; trying our hand at sushi making; or learning about other cultures and cuisines with the kids - making empanadas, or pizzas or quesadillas – most of our messy merrymaking seems to happen in the kitchen. I think of birthday jelly playing, Christmas wreath wrangling, Easter egg painting...the fun of creating, and then giving them to friends and neighbours. And the kitchen table is where Ben and I sit in the evening, a cup of tea or glass of wine in hand – and always a slab of dark chocolate – and talk about work, dreams and our charity, Inspire.
Dream holiday?

Just come back from it! A week in Tuscany celebrating our incredible friends' wedding. The sheer joy of being able to travel to such a beautiful part of the world again – to enjoy the people, the food, the scenery. To be surrounded by friends we haven't seen in too long, to see our kids walk down the aisle of a couple we love so much. And to dance! Wow. It was what dreams are made of. We felt so lucky. After the heartache of Covid, being able to celebrate and give thanks in a country so devastated by the virus. It was a beautiful thing.
Most coveted item right now?
Am I allowed to say our charity advent kindness calendar?! I am so ridiculously excited to see ours arrive in our home, after the craziest experience of having it made and shipped. The supply chain issues everyone is experiencing right now have made this an extraordinary environment to learn to launch a new product. The wood shortages, the manufacturing delays due to Covid, the shipping backlogs. It'll be nothing short of amazing to have it arrive in our home and help us teach our kids about showing kindness to others, while having a whole lot of fun together.
Proudest professional moment to date?
I've been so thankful for all the opportunities to work alongside fantastic people and interview fascinating individuals. I've worked my way from print journalism to TV reporter to Anchor. And now, one more recent focus I'm very proud to work on is a series called The Unequal Recovery, which shines a light on the stories of those people, communities and businesses left behind in the economic rebound post Covid. It's an opportunity to keep questioning how our societies function, where more help is needed to reduce the inequalities faced across countries, races, sexes and demographics. From access to healthcare, education, clean energy, housing and finance, we discuss it all. I love booking expert guests to come and bring their knowledge to our audience across our TV network and streaming service.
Your dream future project?
From our charity's perspective, we're so excited to keep building on the next product to promote kindness and giving. We're considering a 'kindness party bag' concept for example.
Who has been your most inspiring mentor, professionally or personally?
I'm inspired each day by working parents I see who manage to support their families emotionally, while also earning to support them financially too. Corny as it is to say, my own parents always acted as amazing first role models, to show you can be ambitious, to build a career and have the time to support your growing family with love and learning. There are days the balance won't work out, but you have to be kind to yourself and know the equilibrium is right in the end. To build a career and a family simultaneously is an awesome gift and I was always brought up to believe it was possible.
Where would you live if you could live anywhere?
We're currently building our own dream house in an incredible town called Rhinebeck, in New York. The community there is amazing, so welcoming and we've had a blast joining the local running club (shout out to the @BurgerHillMassive), Leo starting football, Ben coaching, beautiful farms where you can donate your picked fruit to the food banks, fantastic markets, and restaurants thanks to the local culinary school. It's a piece of heaven. Now I just need a magic transporter to get us to work and school in an instant.
What book is on your nightstand/ kindle right now?
Pat Sharp’s Re-Run The Fun!
Best film you’ve seen recently?
Nomadland – beautiful stories of people choosing to live differently, build new communities and get by with little acts of kindness to one another.
Best binge-watched TV show?
High on the Hog on Netflix. A short but fascinating series on the true extent to which African Americans have contributed to every part of US culture, in particular through food. From the slaves of the first presidents creating mac and cheese to the purveyors of oysters on Wall Street, it's eye-opening and emotional.
Top podcast of the moment?
I have a healthy addiction to various business and news podcasts. But I need a little helping hand in the parenting department too and I'm always looking for new ways to learn how to best to care and inspire my kids with podcasts. I love Unruffled, and the way TK helps think about respectful parenting. Not every piece of advice fits for you, but some have really resonated.
Your hero?

My husband. I know, way too corny again! But it's true. He's the most positive person you could wish to meet, let alone feel lucky enough to love. The best partner for life: father, founder, friend. He is out there giving his all 100 per cent. I'm mesmerized by his energy. I've got better jokes though.
What’s your spirit animal?

Puppy... total desire to be a people pleaser. Energy in one too many directions. In need of daily exercise. And lover of a good snooze. I hope I listen better than a puppy though.
Favourite dish to cook?

Apple and blackberry pie. It reminds me of walks with my parents and sister in Cornwall growing up. I now go fruit picking with my kids in New York, soaking up the end of the summer sun and then we get decorating with pastry to make an enormous pie to share with friends. Love it. And you can pretend like it's kind of healthy.
Most useful thing on your desk?

Apart from the Bloomberg Terminal, which really is the most amazing tool for anyone in the news or finance business, it must be a cup of ice-coffee. And there always is one.
Which five people, dead or alive, would you find most interesting to be stuck in a lift with?

Maya Angelou. Angela Merkel. The Queen. Elon Musk. Mackenzie Scott Bezos.
Favourite building?

Spitalfields church, where we were married, celebrated, and christened our son. It's a beautiful building, in the heart of east London where I lived for so long. I love its history, it's adaptability and how it's moved to always serve its community.
Favourite Instagrammer or tweeter?
Good News Movement – it’s always there to remind you that the world is full of incredible people.
Your screensaver?
My kids. They love giving each other cuddles... and a few bites. But mainly cuddles.
What would be your epitaph?
‘Be the rainbow in someone's raincloud’ – Maya Angelou.
By Nancy Alsop
November 2021
Elodie Harper, Author and News Reporter
Dan Jones
Kate Weinberg