Until now, Oxford University (the highest ranked university in the world, lest we forget) has resisted offering programmes of free online learning. All this changes as of this month (February 2017).
Over 33,000 people from 192 countries have signed up to Oxford University’s first free online courses starting this month. The first course, which lasts six weeks (2-3 hours study per week), will focus on the government’s role in economic development and barriers to growth in poor societies. It is titled ‘From Poverty to Prosperity: Understanding Economic Development’ and will ‘examine the vital role that governments play in boosting economic development,’ according to a statement from the university.
‘The School’s mission is to improve government around the world through research and education, and this requires better educated public officials, teachers, entrepreneurs, journalists and citizens. We see this first massive open online course as an effective way to expand access to knowledge beyond the classrooms of Oxford, and to help people understand how their community and country can flourish wherever they are in the world.’
Interested? Enrol through edX’s platform.
February 2017
Published February 2017