And along with the rise of craft beers has come a highly welcome rash of tap rooms from whence they hail and at which punters can grab a pint from the source. Provenance is everything after all. London is positively awash with such offerings, from the mainstream to the scruffy and loveable. All of them have something wholly delicious and dangerously thirst quenching on offer. These, in our books, are the best.
Meantime Tasting Rooms, Greenwich
A trailblazer and still teetering at the top with the very best, Alastair Hook founded Meantime in Greenwich in 1999 back when craft beer was barely a thing at all. Fast forward 24 years and Meantime is still beloved by beer drinkers everywhere – and when we say everywhere, we mean it; it is now distributed to happy punters all over the world. But we think it’s at its finest when drunk at the North Greenwich brewery at which it is created. Fresh as can be. Discover more.
Ignition Brewery, Sydenham
There are many reasons to love Ignition Brewery in Sydenham. The locally crowd-funded space is very close to the heart of the community since, well, many of the punters have contributed to its very existence. We also love the light-flooded space, thanks to the 10-foot windows. But most of all, we love the fact that it is staffed by people with learning disabilities, who also brew the craft beer. Discover more.
Hiver Beers & Taproom, Bermondsey

If you’re into the artisanal quality of what you consume, then Hiver Beer and Taproom scores doubly. Not only is its beer of the craft variety, but it is made using local honey. All abuzz with inspiration? You can even sign up to attend one of its beekeeping experiences. Discover more.
Beavertown Brewery, Tottenham
If you’re a fan of craft beer colossus Beavertown and its famous Neck Oil or Gamma Ray – not to mention its eye-catchingly illustrated cans – then do make a date with its fantastic taproom. The perfect place for a thirst-quenching pint on a summer’s day. Discover more.
Five Points Brewery, Hackney

Railway arches in London have now so customarily been taken over by breweries that such offerings teeter on the edge of cliché (we’d argue, though, that they will never not be a good use of the space). Five Points Brewery in Hackney is, however, something of a slicker operation than most, all airy whites and greens and trailing indoor plants. There is also an excellent outdoor area for summer sipping – and if you’re into the whole craft aspect of the movement, then do book in for a brewery tour for twenty-odd quid. Oh, and the pizza is really excellent too. Discover more.
Gipsy Hill Brewery, Gipsy Hill
We are always fans of a business that is owned by its employees; after all, when everyone is invested, everybody cares. Purveyors of natural beers, Gipsy Hill Brewery was founded in 2013 by friends Charlie and Sam, who put everything they had into the business, and you can still really feel their passion here. Try the exceptionally good Hepcat, which is their bestseller, but do not miss the Baller IPA either – or, for something really different, its Sloe Gin Sour. Food, meanwhile, comes courtesy of street food specialists, KERB and is thus excellent. Discover more.
Brick Brewery, Peckham
Just under Peckham Rye station, thirsty punters will doubtless delight in finding a jewel in the form of the Brick Brewery. Thrumming with life, we love its outdoor area, and its extensive array of draft beers (though we recommend its own Peckham Pils or Peckham Pales above all else if you’re just staying for one). Do make space for a Mikos Gyros, the scoffing of which makes sitting here feel like a mini Greek holiday. Discover more.
The Kernel, Bermondsey

Brewing pale ales, dark ales, lagers and mixed fermentation beer, The Kernel makes the lot. Not only are the drinking options here excellent, but so is the atmosphere. The kind of place to come and settle in; once you’ve bagged a pew, simply stay put until closing time. Discover more.
Hackney Church Brew Co, Hackney
How’s this for a beauty? Call us superficial, but we like our beer halls to be aesthetically pleasing and this one very much ticks that box. But it’s what’s on the inside that counts too, and Hackney Church Brew Co’s beers – pale ale and IPAs – are meticulously crafted using local ingredients and are lovingly created by head brewer, Jacob Hobbs. And there you have it: lovely inside and out – not least thanks to the sizeable al fresco drinking area for the incoming summer nights. Discover more.
Top 3: Out Of Town
Beak Brewery, Lewes, Sussex
The small bijou town of Lewes in East Sussex does well when it comes to beer. Not only is old-timer Harvey’s based here, but the acclaimed Burning Sky craft brewery is just down the road too. Then, during the pandemic years, the residents of the town were dealt another boon in the form of the Beak Brewery and its taproom. Run by the appropriately named Dan Tapper, it eulogises its love of ‘making everything from hop-forward IPAs and best bitters to saisons and imperial stouts’, with ingredients hailing from the South Downs, under whose shadow it sits. Housed on an industrial estate under the chalky white cliffs, it’s the perfect spot for a post hike pint or several. Discover more.
Tap Social, Oxford
‘Criminally good beer’ is Tap Social’s tagline, hinting at the fact that the ‘social’ in its name denotes more than just a good chat with friends over a pint. The Oxford-based brewery’s founding mission was not only to brew excellent beer but also to provide training and jobs to ex-offenders who traditionally can find it very hard to find employment post prison, leading them to become more likely to re-offend. We especially like its playfully named Time Better Spent IPA and its Inside Out oatmeal stout, both of which you can drink at its industrial tap room in west Oxford, as well as at the city’s lovely Covered Market, and at the brewery’s own pub, The White House. Discover more.
Left Handed Giant Brewpub, Bristol

Who fancies by a pint by the river? That’s just what’s on the menu at Left Handed Giant Brewpub in Finzel’s Reach, which features a lovely large terrace overlooking the water. The most perfect way to while away a summer’s day. Discover more.
By Nancy Alsop
June 2023