In The Goop Podcast, which comes out each Thursday, Gwyneth Paltrow and Goop’s chief content officer chat with leading thinkers and disruptors of every kind. Their aim is to chew over life’s big questions, to “shift old paradigms and start new conversations”.
The Goop team hopes that this new podcast will break barriers as well as espousing the brand’s values, of which they say on the website: “We believe that the little things count, that good food is the foundation of love and wellness, that the mind/body/spirit is inextricably linked and we have more control over how we express our health than we currently understand, that it’s better to buy fewer things that are better.”
The first episode of the podcast, released on March 8, features Oprah Winfrey as Gwyneth Paltrow’s inaugural guest. In it, Paltrow describes Oprah as one of her heroes, and their chat is natural, fluid and extremely easy to listen to. They discuss everything from parenting to Oprah’s spiritual beliefs to her favourite acting role to her current state of mind to the Me Too movement.
Other episodes have included 45-year-old Paltrow and psychiatrist Dr. Catherine Birndorf in conversation about motherhood and postpartum depression, Paltrow on what she eats in a typical day and Paltrow and the OB-GYN Dr. Sara Gottfried talking through weight and women’s wellness.
An extra perky little element of The Goop Podcast is Paltrow’s Ask Me Anything, in which listeners can ask her any questions they like via Instagram or Facebook – nothing is off limits.
Vogue is bang on when it says Paltrow “proves to be a great listener and naturally thoughtful and funny interviewer”.
The Week reckons: “The Goop Podcast is really quite good… it shows a down-to-earth side to Paltrow as she explores themes of wellness, culture, power and positivity.”
There’s a gentle wisdom in these podcasts, you’ll see.
April 2018
Fans of Gwyneth Paltrow’s chic and influential lifestyle website, Goop, will be pleased to hear of its new weekly podcast offering.
Published April 2018