Based in London with her three daughters, she has used and taught the practice of manifestation for 15 years. She believes she has changed countless lives. The Guardian says: ‘Amber’s admirable determination to manage and improve her own life while encouraging everyone else to do the same makes her an inspiration.’ Here, she tells us what makes for a life well lived.

How did you get into manifesting?

Like so many others, I discovered the law of attraction through the book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, which was very popular in the Noughties. I started to put into action what I had learned within the pages of that book and incredible manifestations began to happen. I shared my experiences online, which gained a lot of traction, and now it is my full-time passion.

What is currently on your bedside table?

I only recently got a bedside table! I moved house about a year ago and my bedroom was among the last rooms to be finished. I inherited two beautiful bedside tables from my grandmother. On my one, there is the book I’m currently reading, The Goddess Path by Kirsty Gallagher and my 5HTP supplements, which I take first thing in the morning to help support my hormone levels.

What is your most important parenting tip?

To live your life as an example to your children. There is no point in telling our children to eat healthily, to maintain healthy friendships and to read, for example, if we do none of these things ourselves. As mothers, we are encouraged always to put our children first and to put our own needs last. I have made a conscious effort to curate a life I love and create a beautiful motherhood for myself. This means taking time to do things that I enjoy, to maintain friendships and to let my children see me laugh and enjoy life.

What was the last item of clothing you bought?

The last item of clothing I bought was a beautiful silk dress from Rat and Boa which I wore to the BAFTAS. I felt incredible in it.

Whose Instagram feed gives you the greatest pleasure?

I try to use social media very consciously. I like to gain a specific benefit from the content I consume. I like content that will uplift me, connect me, educate me or just make me laugh. I absolutely love the comedy Instagram account @lipreadingguy. He lipreads celebrities and it makes me laugh out loud every single time. It’s my therapy!

To what or where would you book tickets tomorrow if you could?

If I could go back in time, I would book tickets to see Amy Winehouse headline at Glastonbury. What a time to be alive!

What are you currently binge-watching?

I am in my Bridgerton era. I love the show and am fascinated by the aesthetic and all the flowers. Season Three is incredible and is my treat to watch by myself with some delicious food.

Which excites you most: breakfast, lunch or supper?

Breakfast, definitely. How we start the day is so important. I make a habit of romanticising my life, which means that rather than just rushing through breakfast and getting out the door in the morning, I put on some music, dance around the kitchen and make a beautiful breakfast for me and my daughters. We enjoy the start of our day.

What is your most prized possession?

My book collection. I host the UK’s largest self-development book club and, as a result, I have a huge collection of self-development books. These books have truly changed my life. I’m often amazed that an author puts their entire life’s work within the pages of a book that you can pick up so cheaply or even for free at a library. If only people took the time to read and embody these works, they could transform their lives as well.