The best, most memorable, one-for-the-annals dinner parties don’t end with dessert; they linger long into the night, punctuated with roars of laughter and a good dose of daftness. A good old after-dinner game has the power to transform a gathering of friends from pleasant to raucous – and we’ve come a long way since the game de jour involved simply slapping post-it notes with names of famous people on one another’s heads (though, admittedly, we will love that forever too). Whether you’re coaxing out hidden talents, testing your guests’ powers of deduction, or pitting your wits against one another, these eight games promise to keep conversation flowing and the silliness high. Pour another glass, settle in, and let the fun commence.



Can you convince your pals to believe the unbelievable? Gullible invites you to invent fake facts and bluff away as others place their bets on what sounds like the most plausible tale. Whoever holds onto their chips wins. Perfect for dinner parties – and for younger players too. For two to fourteen players. Buy it.

A Wine Tasting Themed Murder Mystery Game Kit

A Wine Tasting Themed Murder Mystery Game Kit

If you love a murder mystery and a good story, this is the after-dinner game for you. How’s this for a set up? ‘An elite crowd is gathered in the wine cellars of the renowned Château des Folles for an earthshattering introduction—the world’s oldest (and smelliest) cheese variety is about to meet a wine that has been scientifically formulated to bring out its full flavour.’ Enter Alain Bosc, an eccentric billionaire and sponsor of the wine-and-cheese project. ‘He gruffly thanks the scientists who genetically modified the wine grapes and the monks and nuns from the abbey that has been making the cheese for centuries. Then he uses his fingers to take a piece of cheese from his solid gold plate, and follows it with a gulp of wine from his solid gold goblet. He licks his fingers and says, ‘Ah! A perfect pai—' before he chokes and falls to the floor, dead.’ Choose between four and eight, four and fourteen, and four and twenty players – and get those little grey cells on the case. Buy it.

Who In The Room

Who In The Room

Allow us to caveat this one by saying that any players who try their hand at this game ought to have a reasonably thick skin. As its makers ask, ‘Are you prepared to learn what your friends really think about you?’ If you are, then let the raucous fun begin. You’ll need four player or more – and be prepared to answer questions such as ‘Who in the room pees in the shower? Who in the room has the best voice for radio? And who in the room would have the most trouble assembling a bookcase from IKEA?’ Buy it.

Shot in the Dark: The Ultimate Unorthodox Quiz Game

Shot In The Dark

You know those panic-inducing games that test your general knowledge in a very public setting (Trivial Pursuit, we’re looking at you)? Well, this is not one of those. Instead, you’ll be asked questions that require you to take the wildest of guesses – think ‘how many litres of white paint does it take to paint The White House’; or ‘how often an average single man changes their bedsheets?’ – and whoever gets the closest wins. Silly and low pressure – plus you get to talk away with a whole raft of useless facts, which are our very favourite kind. For two or more players. Buy it.

More Or Less

More Or Less Original Edition Card Game

Are sharks more or less old than trees? Are there more or less than 500,000 meatballs consumed in Ikea stores daily? The beauty of this game is that you don’t need concrete facts – just a hunch for whether the answer is more or less. Fun, daft and conversation-starting, this is a simple concept after-dinner game that players from teens upwards will enjoy. Buy it.

Cards Against Humanity

Cards Against Humanity

‘A party game for horrible people’. So goes cult favourite Cards Against Humanity’s unforgettable slogan. The ultimate after-dinner fun for those with a wicked sense of humour, this irreverent, fill-in-the-blank card game pairs outrageous prompts with hilariously inappropriate responses, leading to wildly unpredictable and increasingly ridiculous results. Perfect for groups who don’t mind a little dark humour, it’s a game that thrives on wit, absurdity, and pushing boundaries. Endlessly replayable, it might not be one for the easily offended but it pretty much guarantees an evening of giggles. Buy it.

What Do you Meme


What Do You Meme? is a lively party game that challenges players to pair caption cards with popular meme images, creating hilarious combinations. Each round, a rotating judge selects the funniest pairing, keeping the atmosphere light and the laughter abundant. A surefire hit at any gathering. Buy it.

Exploding Kittens Horrible Therapist

Exploding Kittens Horrible Therapist

Designed for three to eight players, this edgy, fun game requires you to create the funniest therapy comic strip. Simply flip a card for the question, and the silliest answer card wins. As one reviewer notes, it’s ‘like a cross between a mix and match flip book and cards against humanity resulting in the style of a three-square editorial cartoon played out on a therapists couch, hopefully to an absurdly amusing conclusion.’ Buy it.