From primary school to secondary; from university to a career in teaching: everyone knows the familiar jolt of anxiety before the big September return to school. There are many things to recommend the early autumn, from the welcome breeze to the first fluttering of crisp browning leaves to ravishing rashes of russet and gold creeping across the landscape. But back to school jitters can often bring both excitement and trepidation at once. In our experience, the best way to calm the nerves it is to kit yourself out with really good accessories, from bags to pencil cases. There is, after all, nothing that puts us in the mood for a studious spell like some really excellent stationery.

The Pencil Cases

A good pencil case is a thing of joy – even if it will end up with scribbled notes emblazoned across it by the end of the year. We love this stylish trio.

The Rucksacks

We’re suckers for a good bag – but none inspires us to fill the capacity with improving volumes like a backpack does. These are the ones getting us excited for making our big back to school entrance.

The Notebooks

Keep up in class courtesy of these pretty notebooks. Being studious doesn’t mean slacking in the style stakes.

The Pens & Pencils

They say that the pen is mightier than the sword. Record your musings for posterity with these glorious weapons of choice.

The Extras

What good, we ask you, is a fancy pencil case if it is not filled with satisfying stationery? We love these items the most.

By Nancy Alsop
September 2022