Quoting the latest stats and figures around climate change to your kids will do one of two things: bore them to death or scare them witless. Neither is ideal if you are trying to engage them with what is becoming an increasingly pressing issue.

Inspiring them to be the change requires compelling resources that will spark their imagination, whilst still giving them hope and practical tips on ways they can make a difference – here’s a round-up of our favourite ‘climate change for kids’ sites, videos, podcasts and apps to help you start the conversation, fully informed.

Nat Geo Kids
National Geographic Kids

The child-friendly version of National Geographic is a great place to start, with plenty of content to help you answer the big questions your kids might be pondering, such as what is climate change and who does it affect the most? A great reliable resource with games, videos and articles.

Climate Kids
Climate Kids NASA

A website built by NASA has, as you would expect, the brightest scientific minds distilling all that kids need to know about the climate into one interactive website. There are engaging, bite-size two-minute animations for them to watch and downloadable posters too. Space fans will love all the facts and figures about the NASA missions currently in orbit tracking weather and climate, plus there are lots of climate-focussed craft activities to keep creative kids occupied and inspired, too.

The Tantrum That Saved The World
The Tantrum That Saved The World

A downloadable, picture e-book, The Tantrum That Saved The World by Megan Herbert and Michael Mann is a great read for under 5s, charting the story of a tantrum-prone toddler who channels her outbursts and uses them to take positive action and tackle climate change, with the help of a friendly polar bear (naturally). There’s a World Saving Action Plan poster included too, in case your little ones are inspired to take their own action.

The Climate Reality Project
Climate Reality Project

The Climate Reality Project has put together a brilliant family guide download to help support and educate parents to enable them to inform their children with the most up-to-date climate change effects. It gives advice on age-appropriate facts to share, how to approach topics without instilling fear and a fun flow chart personality quiz for kids to find out exactly what type of Climate Crusader they can be, from Habitat Hero to Pollution Preventor. Reassuring for parents who want to feel they’ve got their facts straight and full of further resources too, if you need more material.

Get them inspired
Greta Thunberg

If you have older teens, encourage them to follow young activists making a difference. Noura Berrouba and Nobel Prize-nominated Greta Thunberg will inspire their own climate activism efforts, while also reminding them that you are never too young to make a difference. The more people who follow these brilliant young people making a stand, the better chance we all stand.

WWF Together App
WWF Together

The WWF Together app is a great way of engaging animal-loving children with the effects of climate change. Along with its stunning photography and video content, there are bite-size fact sheets about the world’s most endangered species – some well-documented, others less well-known – and details of how climate change is presenting an existential crisis for these creatures.

Fun Kids Science Weekly Podcast
Fun Kids Live

The weekly science podcast from Fun Kids is a great listen for eco-conscious under 10s. Presenter Dan interviews a wide range of leading scientists, explorers, activists and authors on a whole range of topical issues. Bringing tricky subjects to life, he asks some of the world’s biggest brains the questions that kids really want to know. There’s plenty of ‘gross’ and grizzly fun too to lighten the mood and listeners can also submit their own questions to Dan each week. It also has a great interactive website with games and book recommendations for further learning.

By Lydia Mansi
Updated August 2021


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