Rhubarb is often mistaken for a fruit thanks to its sweet and tangy taste. Don’t be fooled; it is, in fact, a vegetable, and a hearty and versatile one at that. A member of the Polygonaceae family, it has been enjoyed for its culinary and medicinal properties for centuries – and in the most delicious of ways. Popular in puddings such as pie and crumble, its sweet and sour flavour can also be harnessed for savoury dishes like roasted pork or stir-fry. When cooked, rhubarb turns a deep red colour and becomes tender and sweet, making it a perfect addition to sauces, syrups, and jams.

In addition to its culinary uses, rhubarb is rich in antioxidants and is believed to help soothe digestive issues and reduce inflammation. So, whether you’re cooking with this vividly coloured veg for its punchy taste or for its health benefits or both, we’ve scouted out some of the most irresistible recipes for rhubarb lovers.

Sticky Ribs In Rhubarb, Ginger And Chilli

Delicious Magazine
Sticky Ribs In Rhubarb, Ginger And Chilli

Rhubarb is a wonderfully versatile vegetable, suited both to the savoury and the sweet. Here it bridges the two, with the most flavourful rendition of sticky ribs that we can remember having had the pleasure of devouring – and in the most unseemly of manners, too. The invention of the great Gill Meller, the rhubarb gives it a lovely fruitiness, while the ginger adds to the rich and complex taste. We absolutely love this, both for now and for serving outside as we go into spring and summer. Get the recipe.

Mini Strawberry-Rhubarb Galettes

Country Living Food
Image: Brian Woodcock
Mini Strawberry-Rhubarb Galettes

Pretty as a picture, this beautiful recipe heaps pink on pink: rhubarb and strawberry jam provide the perfect sweet/sour ratio atop these easily whipped up galettes. If you’re hosting a spring lunch, they make for the ideal puddings: impressive to behold and to devour, yet simple to make. Get the recipe.

Rhubarb And Pistachio Syrup Cake

Delicious Magazine
Rhubarb And Pistachio Syrup Cake

Ben Tish, chef and author of five books, is the brains and taste buds behinds this knock-out beauty. Fragrant, moist and sticky, we love the Middle Eastern-style zing of the lemon, the tartness of the rhubarb and the texture courtesy of the pistachio. Perfection. Get the recipe.

Rhubarb Gin

BBC Good Food
Rhubarb Gin

If you want to prettify your gin and give it a sweet-yet-tart twist, try this ten-minute recipe (you will need to make it well advance – four weeks, to be precise, for it to infuse properly). A slow burn but well worth the wait. Get the recipe.

Rhubarb And Vanilla Jam

BBC Good Food
Rhubarb Jam

We love a jam-making session; it reliably transports us to days long ago spent in the company of our granny. It also allows us to eke out the taste of a season, long after it is over. This delicious rhubarb number makes a brilliant alternative to strawberry jam or marmalade on the breakfast table. Get the recipe.

Rhubarb And Custard Eton Mess

Olive Magazine
Rhubarb And Custard Eton Mess

Ready-made meringue and custard make this an absolute winner: it’s tasty, it’s easy, and no one need know we didn’t make it from scratch. Get the recipe.

Rhubarb And Ginger Upside-Down Cake

Olive Magazine
Rhubarb And Ginger Upside-down Cake

An upside-down cake is always a thing of beauty. But none can compete with the rhubarb take on the classic: can you imagine a more beautiful pud? Get the recipe.

Rhubarb Sorbet With Pistachio Brittle

Jamie Oliver
Rhubarb Sorbet With Pistachio Brittle

You need pleasingly few ingredients to make this sorbet; it is as simple as can be. It also just so happens to be one of the most refreshing concoctions ever to have emerged from our kitchen – plus it pairs perfectly with the pistachio crunch. Heaven. Get the recipe.

Toasted Marshmallow And Rhubarb Cake


As Nigella points out, this cake may require a little labour, but it’s so fantastically joyful to behold, taste and create that the extra effort it is entirely worth it. As she says, ‘It is splendidly celebratory, but not dauntingly difficult. You need a bit of elbow grease and a blow torch, but making it feels more like play than work to me; I can’t tell you how much I enjoy teasing out the snowy spikes of marshmallow-meringue and then scorching them… For now, I simply can’t stop making this.’ Get the recipe.