A former New York fashion editor, it stands to reason that Rebecca should have an attuned eye for sartorial beauty. That all that Elfie creates inspires more than simply pretty pictures is where the brand’s magic lies. The concept is about more than fancy frocks; rather the onus here is on inspiring imaginations and thoughts of charmed magical lands, while discouraging preciousness. Children, in the eyes of both Rebecca and Elfie London, should be free to go outside, make dens and get muddy.
Here, Rebecca tells us why her online habits divide neatly into the high (hard news), the low (gossip) and the beautiful (interiors), and why spotting Khloe Kardashian’s kid decked out in Elfie London on The Daily Mail’s sidebar of shame was a moment she’ll never forget.
Follow Elfie London @elfielondon and Rebecca at @radioguinness
Picture credit: @miss0una / Una O'Connor
My favourite website...
This might be indicative of what stage in life I’m at but I love House and Garden. Interior porn, gardens, recipes and shopping. Heaven!
My favourite app...
Dropbox for working on the go.

My favourite blog...
The Home Page. See above for my current addiction to interiors and lifestyle content.
My favourite podcast...
I’m going to go high/low here and say The Guardian Today in Focus for topical focus and Page Six’s We Hear for gossip.
My favourite YouTuber...
I’m definitely not the demographic for YouTubers, but my kids love Preston and Brianna.
My most recent buy online...
This is a truly 2020 answer, but an oximeter.
Last book you downloaded or read...
I got my hands on an advance copy of my friend Catriona Ward’s The Last House on Needless Street and it is well deserving of all the hype it is getting.
Favourite tweeter...
James Blunt for the shade.
Favourite Instagrammer...
@carterilsamonique for the memes; @jasperconran for the beauty.
Favourite tech gadget...
We all love the Yoto player I bought for the kids during lockdown. Such a clever idea and a great design.
The most useful gadget/item on your desk...
My label maker, so I can really indulge my type-A organisation skills.
Most useful digital resource during lockdown...
Reading Eggs was the only home-schooling tool my kids would engage with.
Most inspirational digital resource during lockdown...
I loved doing Rita Konig’s Create Academy course. Would definitely recommend it to anyone facing a renovation project. She is brilliant at explaining practical solutions and I love her style.
First thing/app you look at on your mobile when you wake up/in the morning...
The Guardian (and shhh The Daily Mail) online.
Last thing you binge-watched...
Schitt’s Creek. Just. So. Wonderful.
Favourite brands have you discovered online...
I love Montes & Clark for interior things and also The Faraway Gang has such sweet and original children’s jumpers.
Social media allowed me to meet...
I’ve made loads of good friends with small companies. It’s great to be able to chat about wins and frustrations to other people who really understand.
The best digital advice I've been given...
I doubt I’ve taken any of it.
My screensaver is...
Predictable (my children).
My standout online memory...
Spotting some Elfie on the Daily Mail sidebar of shame (via Khloe Kardashian’s kid).
My pet online hate is...
All the hate. To be fair, it’s probably everyone’s pet peeve.
Do you have any online rules or resolutions?
Only with the kids, I think – we try to have nothing at all during the week.
The Internet. On balance, a force for good or ill?
Good. I’m a big fan of it despite all the drawbacks and you can’t argue with resolving most factual arguments with a couple of clicks.
By Nancy Alsop
November 2020
Clary & Peg
Julia Yule & Christina Moss, Founders Of Bloom & Blossom
Courtney Adamo, Superwoman