Facial mists are an often-overlooked step in a facial routine. An added spritz surely can’t imbue *that many* skin benefits can it? Wrong. In summer especially, facial tonics or mists come into their own as they help to boost hydration in humid climates or simply to cool the skin and help soothe summer skin irritations. After cleansing, facial tonics can also be an important step to rebalance the skin’s pH (not to be confused with toners, which strip the skin), to support a strong natural moisture barrier. One to add to your desk, handbag and bathroom this summer, here are fifteen of our favourites and seven reasons to give them a go…

Facial Mists Are Great For:

  • In-flight hydration. Spritzing routinely on a long-haul flight will help to combat the low humidity level.
    Boosting the power of your facial oil. Applying facial oils to a damp face helps them to lock in much-needed moisture in summer months.

  • Refreshing your make-up. If your make-up is flagging in the heat, a spritz of facial mist can help to restore a dewy glow.

  • Soothing heat rash. Prickly rashes can flare up in summer months; keep a facial mist in the fridge for instant relief from the itch.

  • Relieving hay fever. Dry, irritated eyes can also be soothed with a spritz of facial tonic, straight from the drive.

  • Calming hot flushes. If you suffer from hot flushes, a quick mist of calming and soothing botanical waters can help to instantly take the heat out of skin.

  • Balancing your skin’s pH. After cleansing, a liberal mist of facial tonic can help to balance out your skin’s pH levels again to encourage a healthy skin microbiome.