• An advertising campaign on The GWG for a length of time, to be agreed, between January and October 2020, on both The GWG and to its email subscribers, worth in excess of £2000. This is in addition to the £1000 worth of advertising on the Website of the Year Award channel between March 2020 and mid November 2020.
• A technical SEO audit from Zest Digital, worth £1250. This will highlight any issues with your website, prioritised in order of importance, and supported with recommendations on how to fix. Your website has proven a valuable tool for your business, so now is the time to benefit from a totally impartial diagnostic of over 125 checkpoints that affect rankings and user experience.
Zest Digital is an award-winning search engine marketing agency, helping clients to achieve growth targets by maximising their online visibility and improving conversions.
• A content audit (£1000). Re:signal is an innovative, full service digital marketing agency that is on a mission to change the way companies market themselves online with extraordinary strategies and services powered by the best minds in digital marketing.
• The opportunity for an interview/guest edit promoted on The GWG and to its email subscribers. In addition, £1000 worth of advertising on the Awards channel between March 2020 and mid November 2020.
Details of additional prizes will be added in due course.
The category winners will be presented with a trophy and will be able to display a GWG winning logo on their sites, should they wish to.
Updated April 2019

The winner of themission GWG Website of the Year takes home a selection of prizes to help boost their online profile.
Updated April 2019