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Favourite place in all the world?

I love Chamonix. Firstly, because I love skiing but also because there is a lot to do there. It’s actually quite a built-up place with a bubbling tech scene, fun areas with bars but also quieter spots; a great combination. If I could afford an apartment there, trust me I would have one. I love everything about the place.
Dream holiday?

I hate just sitting on the beach and doing nothing so I’m always looking for a bit of an adventure. On our honeymoon, we went to Zambia and South Africa and travelled around, staying in a few different places. We visited Victoria Falls, did a safari, visited wineries, surfed, dived. A really exciting holiday is what I’m all about.
Most coveted item right now?
I’m not overly interested in owning lots of things; I try to live more of a minimalist lifestyle. When I buy something, I get rid of something too. However, I have recently turned my garage into a gym and my next investment will be a good quality squat bar – it’s so versatile for the whole body.
Proudest professional moment to date?
Since we’ve been running the business for eleven years now, my business partner and I have stopped celebrating the small wins, but back in the beginning we loved to. The first time we really did a big deal – or what was a big deal at the time – we went out and celebrated and it was great! I look back on that moment fondly.
Who has been your most inspiring mentor, professionally or personally?
My mum and dad own a glass manufacturing business, so when we first set up Strafe, they were indispensable when it came to advice, guidance and celebrating the wins. They’ve always been very, very supportive, both personally and professionally. Having someone in your corner cheering you on is so great and I’m very grateful for that.
Where would you live if you could live anywhere?
I mean, I’ll say it again: Chamonix. It would be a perfect combo of skiing and then getting involved in the tech scene. A really exciting place for me and my family to live, especially as my three-year-old daughter skied for the first time recently.
What book is on your nightstand/ kindle right now?
The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey by Ken Blanchard. My business coach has got me reading it.
Best film you’ve seen recently?
The new Batman movie was stunning in every way – the acting and the cinematography were incredible. It actually felt like a thriller with Batman on the side rather than just a Batman film. Very different to some of the Marvel movies.
Best binge-watched TV show?
Game of Thrones. We were quite late to the game – no pun intended – but we loved binge-watching through to season five. More recently, I’ve enjoyed Jack Reacher, which is interesting for me because I have read the books too.
Top podcast of the moment?
Masters of Scale by Reid Hoffman is what I listen to the most. The guests talk about how they started a business and scaled it. There are interviews with owners from the likes of Five Guys and Burt’s Bees. Also, I love Teresa Heath-Wareing’s podcast. She’s amazing – one of the nicest, friendliest, hard-working people who I’m very lucky to actually know.
Your hero?
My dad. He started a business with my mum, which was very successful. When we were growing up, he always adapted his work schedule around being there for us as kids. He would work late on Sundays so he could make my basketball games.
If you were an animal, what would you be?
A dolphin. I like being in the water, swimming around. Plus, they’re intelligent – and they seem like they like to have a laugh!
What did you want to be when you grew up?
A basketball player. I had a huge growth spurt when I was ten, so I’ve been six feet tall since then. I started playing basketball a lot and I anticipated that I’d probably grow some more. I actually have friends now that are professional players but, to be honest, looking back I didn't put the time into the practice as much as them. But I did use to dream of that.
Worst job you’ve ever done?
I’ve usually really enjoyed my jobs. We used to build out the frozen meals, for example – I would be in charge of adding the sausage to the English breakfasts. To be honest, it was actually quite fun.
Favourite dish to cook?
Jerk chicken. I make a fairly good one.
Favourite café/ restaurant?
Iberico World Tapas in Nottingham. It’s where I asked my wife to marry me. We used to go regularly, so it was a special location for us.
What tune always makes you want to dance?
I’m going to go with a dad answer here. My daughter LOVES Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and dances around to it with a smile on her face. She always pulls me up to dance with her!
Favourite website or app?
Bleacher Report is my go-to for NBA news. App wise, I love Audible when I’m dog walking, driving in the car – I usually listen to things at double speed.
Most useful thing on your desk?
Rocketbook, a notepad that’s reusable. It has a special pen and an app to scan your notes directly into your Google drive. Saves me using paper, it’s like a book of mini whiteboards. Super useful.
Which five people, dead or alive, would you find most interesting to be stuck in a lift with?
Michael Jordan and the late, great Kobe Bryant, not just because of their basketball skills but also because of the mentality with which they approach their work, which was amazing. Kevin Hart, he’s so funny and very driven. He really had to work hard to become a comedian. Dwayne Johnson – he also worked really hard and became the best at what he did. He’s really made a name for himself. And finally, Steve Tyler from Aerosmith – they’re my favourite band and seeing them live was one of the best concerts I ever went to. The fact that they’ve stayed relevant for fifty years is just incredible.

DOD photo by D. Myles Cullen, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Favourite building?
Mum and Dad's house. They’ve never moved, so they still live in our childhood home. There’s a huge amount of sentiment there, it’s a very special place for me.
Favourite Instagrammer or tweeter?
I don’t really use social media to be honest, but for me it’s Teresa Heath-Wareing again.
Your screensaver?
It’s my Default Diary. This helps me plan my day and do set tasks at specific times.
What would your biography be called?
Smile and Carry On. There’s a huge thing about imposter syndrome – no matter how much we learn and grow, there’s always the worry we’re going to be ‘found out’. I try to always make sure I’m being as positive as I can be, even when things go wrong.
What would be your epitaph?
I’m very family-oriented, so it would be very much about my wife, daughter and family. I’d have hoped it would say that I was always one to give people time, effort and energy when they ask for it. I try to help people when I can.
By Nancy Alsop
April 2022
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