The Good Web Guide and judges are looking for sites that are original, engaging the visitor from the offset, whether it’s through a unique concept or a user experience that is second to none. The shortlisted sites will be the ones our visitors want to bookmark, sign up for newsletters, email the site to a friend, or mention on their social media profile.
The GWG asks entrants for more details about their websites, giving the judges a snapshot of their business and its history. Entrants will be sent a confirmation email once the entry form has been completed and payment taken. This email will include a link to enable them to leave the additional information, as requested. It's worth noting that entrants do not need to complete this straight away and they will be able to go back to their page, to add to and amend if necessary.
The competition is open to businesses and non-profit organisations that have been up and running for at least six months and are accessible via standard web browsers. The judges will consider each entry submission against the various criteria and their own discretion based on their relevant experience and expertise.
Category winners and shortlisted sites from previous GWG Awards are eligible to enter this year's.
Design: Design doesn’t have to be cutting edge and trendy but of high quality, appropriate, and relevant for the audience and the message it is supporting.
Navigation and structure: This should be intuitive, offering both an immediate overview of what’s on offer with easy access to both the breadth and depth of the site’s content.
Content: This is not limited to copy but can encompass music, sound, animation or video, all of which should be engaging, relevant and appropriate for its audience.
Interactivity: Lets the visitor participate on the site, either through sharing with other users or via social media platforms. Allows the user to give and receive, participate not spectate.
Ease of Use: Technology used must work well, with quick page load times, be free of broken links and work on all browsers.
Social Media Strategy: Although this isn’t a prerequisite for entry, it is hoped that sites are making use of the opportunities that social media offers.
ENTER HERE. Please complete your application by 7th November 2021.
Updated October 2021

Does your site engage the visitor from the outset? If so, enter Website of the Year Awards.
Updated October 2021