Raising five children ranging from toddlers to teenagers – with all the myriad needs attendant at each age – is a pretty impressive feat alone. But somehow the American-born, Byron Bay-based Courtney Adamo has managed to found a business; pick up a 279k-strong following on Instagram; sell the family home and travel for a year with the whole Adamo clan in tow; run Somewhere Slower, a site dedicated to how to travel mindfully with family; and write a book – more of which later. She also happens to look perfectly poised and impossibly chic throughout the whole dizzying affair.

Courtney made her name as a co-founder of Babyccino Kids, a global lifestyle site for parents, with daily family blogs, useful and friendly parenting advice, child-friendly travel guides, recipes, and edits of stylish things – both for the home and to wear. Through her own website, In The Loop, she also runs courses on family lifestyle (NURTURE), as well as on pregnancy, birth and beyond (BLOSSOM).

Now you can also buy her brand-new e-book, ‘At Home With Kids’, in which she shares her own – and those of other parents and experts – tried-and-tested ideas and activities to engage and entertain kids of all ages. These range from crafts and cooking, books and games, to home learning and other educational activities. It is, after all, a topic she happens to know a little something about.

Here she tells us how listening to podcasts gets her through all the laundry that a family of seven generates; how watching The Crown during lockdown made her nostalgic for her old life in London; and why her best Christmas present to herself will always be disconnecting from technology.

My favourite website...

Whenever I need to buy something, I try to search on Etsy first. I’m also a little bit obsessed with Pinterest, especially for home decor and renovation ideas.

My favourite app...

I’m not really an app person, but I’d have to say Instagram. I also love the Down Dog app for yoga, and I have a Willy Weather app that we use a lot for checking the weather and winds (surfer, here!).

My favourite blog...

I’ve always loved the Cup of Jo blog. It was one of the first blogs I ever started reading and is probably the only one I continue to check.


My favourite podcasts...

This is a tough one. I listen to podcasts when I fold the laundry, and you can probably imagine how much laundry we have in our house! I really loved the Scene on Radio ‘Seeing White’ series about racism in America. I also love the new Unlocking Us podcast by Brené Brown, the Goop Podcast by Gwyneth and the Deliciously Ella podcast. Oh, and the How I Built This podcast always makes me feel so inspired in business.

My favourite YouTuber...

I’ve actually never watched YouTube, unless I’m looking up how to do something and need a video tutorial.

My most recent buy online...

We recently bought a painting by artist, Caroline Denervaud, who I have been following on Instagram for a few years now. Her art is so beautiful, and we finally invested in one of her pieces.

Last book you downloaded or read...

I just read ‘Me and White Supremacy’ by Layla F. Saad, which was a huge awakening. I also recently bought Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer, which I’ve heard great things about, but I haven’t read it yet.

Favourite tweeter...

I’ve never used Twitter!

Favourite Instagrammer...

I love following other parents and families, both for ideas and inspiration and for a glimpse at family life in other parts of the world. Some favourites are @hannahacarpenter, @readtealeaves, @neramniminde, @mamawatters, @latonyayvette, and my Babyccino business partner, @estherbabyccino. I also enjoy @__nitch for great quotes and @humansofny for beautiful stories of random strangers.

Favourite tech gadget...

Gosh, I’m going to sound really boring in this interview because I’m just not really a tech person. I still use a paper diary and a monthly paper calendar! I guess my favourite tech gadget is my iPhone. Boring, I know.

Most useful digital resource during lockdown...

Like so many other people, I had never even heard of Zoom pre-Covid, but relied on it, both personally (to chat to my family and friends) and professionally (to host and record interviews for my Blossom e-course) during the lockdown.

Most inspirational digital resource during lockdown...

I loved following Nadia Narain on Instagram during the lockdown. She offered daily wisdom and guided meditations.

First thing/app you look at on your mobile when you wake up/in the morning...

I try not to pick up my phone until after I’ve gotten my kids off to school in the morning, so I don’t usually look at my phone until around 9ish. The first thing I usually check is Instagram.


Last thing you binge-watched...

My husband and I just watched the first three seasons of The Crown on Netflix. I’ve never been a huge fan or follower of the Royal Family, but we loved learning the history of The Queen’s life and it made us feel a bit nostalgic for our life in London.

Favourite brands you have discovered online...

Some favourite fashion brands: Ace & Jig, Christy Dawn, Doen, Babaa. Some favourite children’s brands: Mabo Kids, Hey Gang, and Young Double.

Social media allowed me to meet...

My very best friend, Aimee Winchester, who also has five children.

The best digital advice I've been given...

I once read a tip to think of someone you love when writing a blog or Instagram post, as if you were speaking directly to them — this will help the words flow and keep you honest. I still often think of my sister whenever I’m writing something, even an Instagram post.

My screensaver is...

A photo of my husband! (It used to be a photo of my five kids, but my eldest son changed it as a joke, and I never changed it back because I actually love it.)

My standout online memory...

I was so grateful for the response I received when I launched my first e-course last year. I set up a private Instagram feed for the community, and it was such a supportive space for parents to ask questions and share experiences.

My pet online hate is...

When, for whatever reason, women can’t support other women. It is so sad to see some women feel threatened by or jealous of other women’s success and set out to bring them down. I’m just not a big fan of online judging, shaming and blaming.

Do you have any online rules or resolutions?

We have lots of rules in our family when it comes to electronics. No devices at the dinner table. No movies or screen time on weekdays (for the kids). We also don’t have our devices in the bedroom. And every year at Christmas time, I switch my phone off completely for a few weeks. I look forward to that time all year long!

The Internet. On balance, a force for good or ill?

The jury is still out! Haha. I’m an optimist, so I want to believe it’s a force for good, but I think we should all be aware that it can be used for ill purposes, and we need to be very discerning about what we believe online.

By Nancy Alsop
October 2020


Paula Sutton of Hill House Vintage
Bobbi Brown, Beauty Queen
Clover Stroud